Planning on your budget and expense accordingly is just not humanly possible in current times when you are bombarded with endless temptations to spend on. You end up in a tighter situation due to reckless expense. A little help can sort out your headache. A mobile phone can be your guide here bringing 5 best finance management android apps to help you clear your debts and manage your finance in a better manner.
So, let’s dig deeper into the 5 finance management apps available for the android users
* Financial Calculators can be the must-have tool to fix your budget for the future. As the name suggests, this application is a collection of calculators to calculate your monthly expenses and figure out your budget for the future. For instance, there is a loan calculator to estimate your payments and interests. But, you cannot manage your money on this platform. However, it will prevent you from making few bad financial decisions.
* A finance management application for android, Spendee is also available for the iOS users as well. Decked up with brightly colored and user-friendly interface, this particular application helps you to plan your budget accordingly. Different budget tracking tools are provided where expenses are easily filled under different categories such that the Feed Tab easily lets you scroll down the expenses. There is also an option to click a snap of bills and receipts for safe storage. Overview mode, on the other hand, offers useful infographics to chalk out your spends over time, breaking them down into categories. Premium users have more options to explore such as creating multiple budgets, shareable savings wallets, and synchronize their data easily across multiple devices.
* Wallet, designed with a proper mission and that is to bring down your frantic financial situation under control. The balances and transactions filled into the application are aptly synchronized with the actual bank. More so, account sharing is possible on it with support to multiple currencies, cloud synchronizing, warranty tracking, templates, shopping lists and others, exporting the statements to different types of files as well.
* Dollarbird, a budgeting app free of cost is available for both Android and iOS users, takes an alternate approach to the calendar-centric method of budget fixing and expense tracking. You can carry out different functions on its platform right from adding to editing and removing expenses, past incomes, future budget estimation in a calendar format and using AI to set up the entries into categories to turn back to them either in calendar, timeline mode or via series of infographics either on a mobile device or through web page. Again, premium users have multiple benefits to enjoy than the unpaid ones.
* Monefy, a simple budget planner application, offers a seamless user interface with minimal complicated components to help you fix your future budget. Adding and editing data, currency support, built-in calculator, passcode protection, Dropbox integration, widgets and many more functions for which you have to install the application. But, the interface is a bit complicated for the freshers’ but you get a hang of it pretty quickly.
Wrap up
Top-rated mobile application development companies like Fluper, indulges in developing such applications similar to the ones mentioned here just to ensure your life is made simpler. So, next time if you have difficulties managing your finance, better check out the 5 best android apps for finance management in the Play store and your life will return on track.