When disaster knock at your door there is no time to act smart but run so is any mobile app development company targeting the survival of the people in disaster-prone areas also. Well, the answer is yes because the app store and play store is loaded with apps which can provide alerts in case of natural calamities such as Tsunami, Earthquake, and landslides, guide you well before for the disaster and even help one rescue oneself before any help approaches.
In case the ocean starts to wrestle
Ocean as calm it seems can give difficult time to the people residing near the shores and in the past, it has given a hard time too but what we can do today in the world full of awareness is get yourself prepared for such natural disasters. Tsunami Alert is one mobile app that can provide with the real-time alert for tsunami warnings, this app draws data from all the countries near Indian ocean, pacific ocean and Carribean sea to alert the residents in case of the natural behavior of nature and even finds a safe place to set camps until the see calms itself.
Is this place disaster prone?
Always know your area and research the new place you are traveling to, you can know all the history of the place but how to figure out if you need to carry your safety kit or buy one for your home? Well, Disaster Radar can keep you updated all the time everywhere and the mobile app developers of this app claim that this app provides with a real-time information for hundreds of natural disasters occurring across the globe along with a data on the cause and effect in that particular area.
Making use of safety kit for Disaster
Well, we are all scared of natural disasters and happen to keep a safety kit for emergency and wish to use it never. Most of the time the brain numbs when an uninvited hazard comes your way but if you got time between the warning and the disaster you can make the best use of the kit hanging in your safety door. Installing the app ubAlert Disaster Alert is step one which provides with real-time alerts to you of active disasters with the current occurrence of disasters like floods, earthquake, tsunami, volcano, and hurricane.
Know your surroundings
It is always good to know your surroundings and weather conditions especially near the mountains as the landslides usually occur in rainy days and can block your ways for planning a safe getaway to the places install Simple Weather Alert even if the natural hazard is minor and doesn't often occurs in your area.
Today Smartphone is accessible by even the one who doesn't have the degrees because you need gestures to control it and not the knowledge so the guide to rescue yourself all you have to do is install the right app for your prior safety measures. The mobile app development has compiled the weather forecast outputs to alert in case of emergency via internet the fastest way of communication and Fluper is one such mobile app development company that enjoys providing all kind of technological solutions in form of apps.
Also read: Apps you didn't know exist Also read: Service based application