AR was greatly used in the gaming, and entertainment businesses in starting but now apart from these industries other industries also taking interest in AR such as education, knowledge sharing, organizing distant meetings, and managing the information food. Pokemon Go and Snapchat lenses are the best examples for Augment Reality.
Many companies who started as Android app Development Company but now they are leading in Augment Reality technology. But do you know there are sorts of Augmented Reality Apps? Let’s read them…

· Projection Based AR
Light on the surface, dialer on hand, a castle in the air are the simplest example of Projection based AR. All these examples, in-fact its name (Projection based AR) explaining its function which is to create digital images onto object/flat surface.
· Recognized Based AR
Scanning an image, scan a QR code or a barcode is the best example of Recognized based AR. All types of AR do use some type of reorganization system to observe the object over which Augmentation has to be performing.
· Location Based AR
GPS, compass, accelerometer, are the same sensors which it uses as marker-less. Pokemon Go is a famous example of Location Based AR. It links augmentation to a specific place. It is mostly used to assist travelers in their journey.
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· Outlining AR
The human eye is the best camera but it can’t look at the things for too far. Outlining AR just outline the road or say boundaries of the road in low light, even in the foggy weather. This is a very useful technology to overcome accidents.
· Superimposition Based AR
This AR technology delivers an alternate view of the item in concern, either by replacing some part of the object view with an augmented view or by replacing the whole view with an augmented view. X-Ray is the example of Superimposition Based AR.
AR (Augment Reality) attaches digital elements to a live view. By this technology we are able to scan a QR code, dialer on hand, an outline of path in foggy weather. So these are the types of AR technology which are really trending in Android app development companies. Do you have an idea? Need a Trusted Web & Mobile app Partner?
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